I hate summer!!

Yes, I am from a tropical country (India) and I hate summer. And as the winter months are retiring, with each passing day, I am becoming more gloomy than ever! I really don’t want the winter months to go back. God, I have to wait for another year! And in India, especially in Kolkata, we get winter for hardly 2-3 months, and practically all the other months are either too hot or too humid or too much of everything that I hate. I really wish the cool breezes come back…

I, obviously, have some reasons why I love winter-

1. You don’t sweat at all. I hate sweating and the humidity! Damn turn off for me!

2. The energy that is lost due to the scorching heat really makes me lazy to do any work. So basically for more than half of the year, I am unproductive! Meh!!!

3. The cozy blankets…oh I love to cuddle inside my warm blanket and have a nice cup of coffee and read my favorite book!

4. The morning walks… Yes gone are the most active days of my life. I will become basically a potato doing nothing (or will be forced to do my daily work).

5. I can wear long jackets and my favorite overcoats with a boot! I love winter clothes and hate that I can only wear them for few months only!

And there are tons of other reasons… A note to my favorite season-

Please come back soon my dear! I miss you 😞

Share with me if you also like winters as much as I do. I would love to know. Till then, keep reading ✌️✌️✌️

7 thoughts on “I hate summer!!

  1. I also love winter for many of the same reasons….and I hate summer!
    I mostly hate humid summers. Nothing makes me more angry deep in my soul than a humid day.

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  2. We don’t get too many hot days in the UK, so I’m grateful for what we do get. I steer clear of hot countries (even Europe) during the hot months, and being a skier I love winter. We have blizzards forecast this week coming in from Siberia. Whilst everyone else will be huddled up indoors, my partner and I will be out playing in the snow!

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